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Fire Doors

Fire doors are fire resistant doors that allow people in the building to get out without being disturbed by smoke or fire during the fire. It has a lever that can be opened automatically from inside to outside. It is necessary that one side of the staircase opened by the fire door is open and those who want to go out should not be affected by toxic gases.

It is difficult to open from the outside and in fact it is the reason why some of the people who are trying to escape in haste are prevented from turning back in that bust. Even if there is a power failure, the EXIT or EXIT texts that indicate the fire exit are something that works well as a practice in fire regulations.

Regarding evacuation, periodical maintenance and inspections of the fire doors, which are the greatest helpers of the teams, should be done and the disadvantages should be removed. Attention is also paid to this in audits. The fact that there are deaths caused by the fire door reflected in the media is the most important proof of why this issue should be given importance. The presence of signs indicating fire doors, the employees or residents in the building being trained in fire intervention, evacuation and first aid, fire drills at regular intervals, and practices that work well in the event of danger.

Fire Doors Features

The characteristics of fire doors are regulated in the relevant legislation and compiled under a separate heading. The regulation on the protection of buildings from fire is the most comprehensive of these regulations. One of the main features is that it is so wide and fire resistant that a few people can come out at the same time.

It must be made from good materials that the door is opened in the fire doors and at the same time it is of such quality that it cannot be affected by the fire of the handles or arms that the people can hold. Although decorative fire doors are the most preferred doors in recent years; the fact that the most robust doors are doors made from materials like steel suitable for the building's structure have not changed. Glass fire doors or panic bar fire doors are among the other types of fire doors.

The fact that the fire door is not to be opened from the outside is that, as we have already mentioned, people with panic are prevented from forgetting something inside or wanting to go in to save someone. Since it is unclear to what extent the fire is proceeding in that case, the rescue of the living creatures inside is an activity that must be left to professional teams altogether. Otherwise, there is a situation in which both the inside person and the person who goes back in the panic are thrown into danger.

The most important features of fire doors are; Of course, it is resistant to flames. It is very important that the fire doors, which are resistant to a certain temperature, endure as long as they allow people to go out. Another important feature of fire doors is; is the prevention of the escape of gases and fumes that are poisonous by fires. Therefore, the fillings to be used during the installation of the fire doors must also be of high quality.

If the fire door is thought to be glazed, the windows should not be affected by high temperatures. When the fire door is used, it must have a mechanism that automatically closes itself.

Fire Doors Measures

It is very important that fire gauge dimensions are in the required dimensions so that crowded groups can be easily taken out in rescue and evacuation work. The difficulty of getting out of narrow doors, the poor quality of the material of the door makes everyone's life dangerous in the event of fire. Therefore, fire doors must be measured as specified in the regulations.

Fire doors measurements of large buildings, especially hotels, hospitals, schools, etc., must be in compliance with the legislation. At the same time, fire doors must be accounted for in this type of building so that larger groups can leave the building.

Regulation of fire doors

The regulation of fire doors is also included in the legal procedures dealing with fire protection of buildings. Criteria such as which materials fire doors should be produced, installation rules, filling materials, measurements are all in the fire doors regulations.

In addition, there are many companies that have been issuing the fire door specification documents. These companies want to see how fire doors of their own buildings are; he sends requests to fire companies on one condition. The most important feature that all customers pay attention to nowadays is whether there are TSE stamped certificates regarding fire doors.

Akım Yangın

We are proud to offer quality and safety to the growing and developing building sector based on time and trust with our expert staff, services such as consulting and projecting as well as material foundations and installation works that are needed for fire protection systems.

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